Unlock Your Game's True Potential

Performance Optimization Profile

A high-performer's tool to stay grounded when the pressures of sport gets overwhelming.


Welcome to the Performance Optimization Profile, also known as "POP Doc". My goal is to help high-end performing individuals, teams, and organizations move from Point A to Point B as efficiently and enjoyable as possible

Unlock your potential with the Performance Optimization Profile (POP Doc) — a powerful tool designed to help high-performing individuals and teams navigate their journey from where they are to where they aspire to be, with clarity, efficiency, and authenticity.

Why POP Doc?
When I was an athlete, I longed for a tool like POP Doc. Over the past few years, I've pieced together this resource to assist my clients in competing and performing at the highest levels.
POP Doc is grounded in two key principles:


Why POP Doc? 

When I was an athlete, I longed for a tool like POP Doc. Over the past few years, I've pieced together this resource to assist my clients in competing and performing at the highest levels.
POP Doc is grounded in two key principles:



Understanding who we are.


Defining how we get from Point A to Point B in a way that is authentic to us.

To explore this further and level up your game, watch the video below:

Defining Your Process

A process is a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end. If you can’t articulate your process, it means you can’t consistently replicate your success.

Naming Your Process

Understanding and naming your identity, behaviors, habits, rituals, and routines is crucial. Without this clarity, it’s challenging to communicate and improve your methods. By naming your process, you can tweak and improve it, ensuring better results.

Overview of the POP Doc

Examples of how to organize and structure your process. A customizable template based on Notion to create your own POP Doc or you can also choose it as Google Docs or Word.

To download your POP Doc, enter your information below.

Download Your Performance Optimization Profile 👇

Your POP Doc will serve as your personal strategy guide, crafted uniquely by you, for you. Dive in and start mapping out your strengths, weaknesses, and core beliefs.

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